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讨厌的东西有哪些 讨厌的东西英语

发布时间:2024-05-13 20:42:09作者:樱花飘落来源:互联网

讨厌的东西有哪些 讨厌的东西英语





It’s boring!= How boring! = I’m bored. = It’s dull!真无聊!

I can’t get into my study.我对学习没兴趣。= I can’t get excited about my study.

That’s really bothersome. = That’s really bothering me.这真烦人。

He really wears me on. 他的确令我感到厌烦。

I don’t want to hear it.我不想听。

This is disgusting. 这很过分。

That’s enough. 够了。

Enough is enough. 够了够了!

It makes me crazy.它让我发疯。

It's the worst food I've ever had. (这是我所吃过的最恶心的东西。)

I don’t care for it.我不大喜欢。

I don’t think highly of it.. 我不大喜欢。

I despise him. (我真看不起他。)

It’s rather dull. 这非常枯燥。

I’m fed up with this work.我对这工作厌烦透了。

I can’t take it any more. = This is more than I can stand.


Never again!我已经受够了!

I've had it.我已经受够了!

What’s all this noise about?都吵闹些什么呢?

It gave me a real pain in the neck. = It’s really awful。这真叫我讨厌。

I dread seeing him. 我讨厌看见他。

I can’t stick to this kind of thing. 我不能容忍这种事情。

it’s really disgusting.确实令人厌恶。

I can’t bear/put up/stand him.我受不了他了

I hate rainy days.我讨厌下雨天。

I hate his guts.我对他恨之入骨。

It’s for the birds.真没意思。= It sucks。= It’s no good。