【双十一这天,其实还是光棍节 】今天是11月11日,一场全民购物狂欢正在上演,你还记得吗?其实今天也是属于单身人群的节日。“剁手”之余,不如来看一看这些温暖人心的爱情故事,他们或许早已超脱爱情,那其中蕴含的是相互携手的温暖,是日夜相随的陪伴,更是不离不弃的坚守。
Leap Year 2024: What is Bachelor's Day?
This year, February has 29 days instead of the usual 28 and that’s because 2024 is a leap year.
今年的二月有 29 天,而不是通常的 28 天,这是因为 2024 年是闰年。
There are many traditions, past and present, that are celebrated on a day that only comes once every four years.
For Ireland, Feb. 29 is known as Bachelor’s Day by some.
对于爱尔兰来说,2 月 29 日被一些人称为 "单身节"。
Bachelor’s Day in Ireland is the day when a woman is allowed to propose to a man. It’s kind of like Sadie Hawkins Day here in the United States.
Bachelor’s Day history in Ireland
In 5th-century Ireland, St. Bridget of Kildare complained to St. Patrick about why women were not allowed to propose to men, according to History.
To remedy this, St. Patrick decided to designate one day on which a woman could ask for a man’s hand in marriage – Feb. 29. This was seen as a way to introduce balance to the traditional roles of men and women.
为了解决这个问题,圣帕特里克决定在 2 月 29 日这一天,女性可以向男性求婚。这被视为一种平衡男女传统角色的方式。
Bachelor’s Day eventually made its way to Scotland and England, where they added their own twist.
In Scotland, if a man were to reject a woman’s marriage proposal, he would need to give the woman several pairs of gloves. These gloves may have been used to hide the woman’s hands since she did not have an engagement ring, according to Irish Central’ website.
A leap year usually occurs every four years, as calendars take into account an orbit around the Sun taking more than 365 days to complete. In fact, according to NASA, Earth takes 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds (or about one-fourth of a day) to complete an orbit around the star.
闰年通常每四年出现一次,因为日历会考虑到绕太阳运行一圈所需的时间超过 365 天。事实上,根据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的数据,地球绕恒星运行一圈需要 365 天 5 小时 48 分钟 46 秒(约为一天的四分之一)。
Those extra hours, minutes and seconds beyond day 365 constitute the extra time that is added to a leap year.
这些超出第 365 天的额外小时、分钟和秒构成了闰年的额外时间。
If an extra day was not occasionally added to a year, seasons would begin to fall forward, and in several hundred years, a North American winter would happen during what is currently summer and vice versa.
Humorous vignettes depicting a tradition, known as Bachelors Day, where women propose to men on Leap Day, 29 February. From "Illustrated London News", 1860. Creator: Gilks. (Photo by The Print Collector/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
幽默的小插图描绘了一种传统,即在 2 月 29 日闰日,女性向男性求婚,这一天被称为 "单身汉日"。选自《伦敦新闻画报》,1860 年。创作者:吉尔克斯 吉尔克斯。(图片来源:The Print Collector/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
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